What I Wore: Ripped Mom Jeans

Monday, May 01, 2017

Hey Guys!
    There so many new denim trends and honestly I'm officially tired but I have been loving one lately and they are the "Mom Jeans". Ever since I saw photos of how Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid wore mom jeans, I've been waiting for an opportunity to style mine.
 These type of jeans are a bold and beautiful cross between your fave highwaisted jeans and your fave loose/baggy pants or sweatpants. It is comfort and then some. I decided to give you some easy style tips through outfit ideas on how to wear the mom jeans trend.

I got these mom jeans at Mr Price for 3000 naira, a South African retail store which is pretty popular here in Nigeria. There is one in Abuja at Apo and two in Lagos but I'm not sure where. They have really nice stuff and I have had these ripped mom jeans for over 2 years so they last pretty long. 

 My red striped shirt/jacket was a gift from my moms wardrobe and its actually vintage.

These cute Vans sneakers dupe are thrifted. It was love at first sight really.

My top is actually a bodysuit which I got on ASOS for less than 10 dollars last year and it is by a brand called Daisy Street.

How are you rocking the mom jeans trend?



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