REVIEW: Cheapest Drugstore Primer?

Wednesday, April 05, 2017

I am so not a makeup kinda girl. No brows on fleek, no highlight, no contour, no nothing. Do not get me wrong I LOVE makeup, just not on myself. Its fun but it bores me easily. My go -to makeup look is a very unique one. Maybe a post for another day.

It does involve primer because I find that primer and setting spray are the key to having your makeup look good all day. I first heard about this aftershave makeup hack on YouTube and the girl in question had beautiful glowing skin. I love dewy skin and makeup any day. It looks healthy and youthful and very me. 

I got this Nivea aftershave balm at SPAR in Abuja for a little under 1500 naira and I love it so so much!. If you have oily skin, sorry babe this primer isn't for you BUT if you are a dry skin girl like me, your skin and makeup will thank you. It has zero alcohol so its safe for sensitive skin and it gives such a glow. I definitely recommend this primer if you suffer from psoriasis or dry sensitive skin and want to remedy ashy makeup or you are going for a dewy look.

What other makeup hacks are good for dry skin?



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