Style Crush: Zendaya Coleman

Monday, September 05, 2016

Hey luvs!

How's it going? Another week is here and I am constantly amazed and terrified at how quickly this year is speeding to an end. I still remember being in the village on the 1st of January! How has this year been for you? I'm just grateful to be alive and well to have witnessed all the trends.

My fave trend this year is definitely athliesure, its so effortless! I am a sucker for comfortable fashion and anyone who knows me knows I'd trade in a bodycon dress for a T-shirt anyday. I'm not about that Kim K life.

One girl who knows how to pull of this trend is Zendaya Coleman and even though she is just 20, her outfit photos on Instagram keep giving me life!

Who are your favourite stylistas for 2016?

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