5 Movies You Need To See This Summer

Tuesday, August 09, 2016

The summer is coming to an end. Too, too soon if you ask me. These are 5 movies that I think are the ultimate must-sees this summer. I love that a lot of the movies this year have me feeling nostalgic, so... I especially love this year so far because there have been so many re-enactments of movies we saw when we were growing up from Jungle Book to Ghostbusters and I have put together a few BOMB! movies you do need to see before heading on back to school or office hours.

1. Petes Dragon'

The original was a musical with a Disney animated dragon. The teaser trailers have kept the new dragon well hidden, but in this remake, young Pete returns to society after surviving six years in the forest. Maybe he can adapt to the modern world, but what happens when his dragon comes looking for him?


2. BFG

A new Steven Spielberg movie? Enough said. But knowing that it’s about a “Big Friendly Giant” is even better, especially since friendly giants are rare. This one refuses to eat children so the other giants are mean to him, but he finds a friend in a little girl. This is also based on a Roald Dahl story. Who like me read those as a kid?

3.The Legend Of Tarzan

Back in the 1930s, Tarzan was not only king of the jungle but king of his own franchise. This summer, he comes swinging onto the big screen again, this time with Alexander Skarsgard as the Lord of the Apes. Skarsgard in a loincloth, Margot Robbie as his Jane, and apes like The Jungle Book? This is a Tarzan for modern times.

 4. Suicide Squad

 DC Comics is unleashing its baddest villains in this ensemble antihero movie, from the Joker (Jared Leto) to the bonkers Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie). Dr. Amanda Waller (Viola Davis) recruits a team of comic book supervillains to be her dirty dozen. Jared Leto has reportedly taken his role of The Joker a little too seriously by sending his cast mates dead animals, but Margot Robbie looks like a hoot as Harley Quinn. 

5. Star Trek Beyond

The third voyage of the rebooted Enterprise crew finds them fleeing their destroyed starship and finding an all new adventure on the planet where they land. Justin Lin brings his Fast and the Furious energy to the action, which means the Enterprise doesn’t have a crew. They have a family.

Are there any of these movies you plan on seeing? What has been your fave movie this summer?

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