
Blogger Bae: Berry Dakara

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Ive been gone for a week! I was really ill and I'd like to blame it on this crazy cold Abuja weather but I think I was going through more pressure than just the excessive chills. Anyway I'm a lot better now and I'm finally here with my #BloggerBae Series which I cant wait to share with you!

So the #BloggerBae Series is a series of interviews on bloggers I consider as "bae in the blogosphere, basically the blogs I cant stop reading. Hopefully they all are available for interviews so you can get to know more about them and maybe fall in love with them too!

The first blogger in the series is Berry Dakara who blogs at Berry Dakara. I first stumbled on her blog through BellaNaija and I quickly became a regular reader because she is so candid and open. She literally hols nothing back! For someone like me who feels a lot of things come off as TMI (Too Much Information) she was a breath of fresh air and I hope I grow to be more open here on my blog too. 

Here is her interview. Enjoy!

 1.Hi Berry, can you tell us a bit about yourself?
Hiya! Thanks for the interview. My name is Berry Dakara. I am a thirty-something year old, who is married to one of the most creative cake designers ever! I’m the first child in my family, and first grandchild on both sides of the family, so I like to feel like Ms. Responsible - even though half the time, I act like a cartoon. I am also a Lifestyle Blogger, and recently turned Vlogger as well.

2. What inspired you to start a blog?

I started blogging in 2012 as a way for my family and friends to keep up with me during my year of NYSC. I also wanted other foreign graduates (or aje-butters like me) to know what the process was like, and so compiled different posts on what was required to register for NYSC, how to register, Community Development Service and all that. After my year was up, I realized how much I liked blogging and decided to start my personal blog - Berry Dakara Blog.

3.  How long have you been blogging for?

My first blog, The Aje-Butter’s Guide to NYSC was started in 2012, and I started my personal/lifestyle blog in 2013. Altogether, it’s been almost 5 years. WOW! Typing that out just hit me like a ton of bricks! Shilokoi, I’m old o!

4. How would you describe your blog, What is it about?

I think my blog is a fun, random, mish-mash of everything. As a person, people always say I’m random and I bring that same quality to my blog. You never really know what you’re going to get. You’re going to get something, but you just don’t know. But in a nutshell, it’s basically about my life and experiences. Be warned though - I get real, transparent and honest about some topics that others would shy away from.

5. I’m sure all your readers know and love Cakes! What role does your husband play in your blogging career?

LOL, they sure do. He is my personal photographer! Even before he was taking my blog photos, my mum already warned him that he should be ready to take my photo every single day! This was before we even got engaged!

6. What would you say is your greatest achievement through blogging.

I think my greatest achievement is reaching different people across the world, and being able to have them relate to me in a personable way. I don’t want my readers to ever feel like I’m no accessible and I LOVE LOVE LOVE getting emails and inbox messages on social media from them. The fact that they feel like I’m their friend is AWESOME!

7. This is one question everyone always wants to ask, how do you make money through blogging?

That’s the same question I want to know the answer to! I don’t really make money anymore from blogging, especially since I transitioned from living in Lagos to Atlanta. I’m having to find my feet in these waters - which are very large, compared to the Nigerian scene. But ways I made money before was through advertising and affiliate marketing.

8. What advice would you have for girls looking to find success in the blogging industry?

My advice would be for them to be themselves. There’s no need to try and keep up with this blogger or that blogger. We are all unique and bring something different to the table. Let your personality shine in your blog posts. Don’t try to copy other people. You can be inspired by them, but put your own spin on it. At the end of the day, it’s really your personality that draws people in and keeps them staying.

9. Where would you like Berry Dakara to be in five years from now?

Mehn, I don’t know. I haven’t even thought beyond one year from now. Well, I hope I’m still blogging by then and on a full time basis. I would like to be making a sizable income - I’m trying to figure out how to do it now. But I guess I’ll still be sharing my life and trying to spread positivity through my blog.

10. Okay now, random question: Briefs or Boxers?
Believe it or not, this is a tough question. I like briefs because I think men can wear them under pretty much anything, and keeps “everything” packaged. But you know, the mental image of seeing the outline of “everything” is not always agreeable to me. On the other hand, boxers leave room for imagination. But then, it can also leave things hanging freely - again not always agreeable. Boxer Briefs for the win!!!

I hope you enjoyed the interview! Visit her blog and make sure you let her know what you think about the feature! Who are your favorite bloggers?

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  1. Love the series and I love Berry! Nice!

    1. Woot woot!!! Thanks darling.

      And thanks for the feature Chisom!


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