How To Rock Rainbow Conrows Like Kylie Jenner

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Unicorn everything is in right now, from drinks with sprinkles to colorful food . And this has become a major summer beauty trend so much so that a rainbow of hair colors, from pretty blue-green mermaid pastels to bold bubble-gum pinks, now flooding Instagram.I have always been into colored hair, whether it be braids or a weave. So, you can be sure I am all for this summer trend.

Another thing to hit us hard this summer was the Rob Kardarshian and Blac Chyna drama and all
I have to say about the matter is that you all should be like Blac Chyna and do something fun to your hair when you are having problems coming at you from all angles.

Here are a couple other variations of the trend I've seen and also loved as much as the infamous Blac Chyna wig.

Would you ever try or have you ever tried unicorn hair?



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